I hope everyone is having a fantastic morning/afternoon/night! I know I am. It was so fantastic to be sleeping in so much over the last couple of days. For a while I was working non stop and going to school full time. I feel like I have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks and I adore it :) But that is going to be coming to an end soon :/ *blah*. I start school again on the 27th of this month. As much as I am going to regret saying this now, I am excited for the courses. It is the whole idea of hundreds of pages of reading that leads to *blah*. I am a double major in Communications and Psychology, so I am going to be in school FOREVER! It is never going to end! I think what I am looking forward to the most is how many interesting facts I am going to learn this semester :) I am taking an advanced genetic analysis class to full fill a upper division general course for biology/math. The rest is all me :D My comm classes are Communication in the classroom, Advanced interpersonal communication, and I am wait listed in two more (Intercultural communication and Gender communication). I hope I can get into one of the two I am wait listed for. Keep your fingers crossed ;) and extra crossed that it is Gender comm! I really want Gender comm mainly because it is fully online and I am wait listed number 2 out of 50 others! The other class that I am enrolled in is my Abnormal psychology course. This particular course is by far the one that I am looking forward too the most. It is my only psych class this semester. I sorta kinda overloaded myself with four psych classes last semester and only one comm class. Thus why I have so much comm this semester! Okay okay en

I found a fantastic pattern for how to make African flowers!
click here for flower fun!
I have been working on these little beauties and putting them up on the wall as I go :) I think I need more. What do you think? I think so. Or something at least to go in that horrible white spot behind the chair. See I just got Kev to move the two guitars he had behind my chair today, and put them where the Christmas tree was (It was so bare there I couldn't stand it). But now I CAN'T stand how bare it is behind my chair! I think I am going to put my Yoga gear behind the chair. Once it arrives of course.
I have been wanting to get into yoga so much more lately and I have a mat, but it is old and not so relaxing any more. Soon after discovering how much I disliked the mat, I stopped. Plus I was in a tiny dorm room at the time. Since Christmas was so fantastic this year, I decided that the happy weight needed to come off! So I invested in some yoga blocks, a strap, a brand spankin new mat, and myyogaonline. I will let you guys know how this goes :) I hope that I will soon become a crochet dependent, yoga loving, Dr. Pepper drinking, sleep deprived student! *Only thing missing is the yoga*
So now that I have a million things coming up in my life, I have been searching the world of crochet for more and more inspiration. What I seem to be in love with are Granny squares that are put into pillow form. This will be my next mission. And since I have a limited amount of time before my adventure continues with school, I must start pronto! I want to have my spot all prepared for when school starts. That way when I get home from being in class for 6-8 hours a day, I can read in complete NikNak love :) Is there anything you think I should do to make my spot more lovely?
Much love to all :D
P.S. I just want to say Thank you for all the lovely comments and the new followers I have! You have no idea how excited I was to have my very first comment and follower of my blog. My heart smiled in such a beautiful way :D Thank you!
Hello Lovely!
I am so excited by all of your beautiful creativity! I loved seeing your comfy looking chair there, with a mandala across the back! Isn't crafting fun? It is highly obsessive and soooo therapeutic.
Have a lovely, lovely week!
From Alice and Raymond XXXXX
Thank you so much Alice and Raymond! It truly is obsessive and therapeutic. I don't know what I would do without something fun to create everyday. I learned how to make this lovely mandala from you! :D Thank you!
Have a great Week Alice and Raymond
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