Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Productive Feburary

Hello my loves!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful first day of February! I am very excited to start making so many lovely things for the up coming love holiday. Hopefully this means that I can create a gift to me for Valentines :D Now I just need to pick something I would like to make for me, aside from a headband that everyone is clamoring over. Any fun ideas that you can think of?

I also have something else to be looking forward to over the next 90 days.... I am starting P90x next week! Have you heard of this program? It is an intense workout program that has excellent results. It is time for me to get into a workout program. I also received all of my yoga supplies so I am all set to sweat! :D I am ready to BRING IT!!!!!!!! I will update regularly how this is going :)

In the meantime, I have homework to worry about. Other than that fantastic bit of news, I have had a pretty productive day! I was able to wake up early for my genetic analysis course, get my oil changed, come home with new yarn (yay!) and printer paper, make three headbands, watch all of my TV shows, and eat dinner. The only thing left is the dreaded reading that I must do for tomorrow. So I must be off.

I hope everyone has a great day/night/morning :)


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