I am so pleased to show you my newest creation! Do you remember how I mentioned a beanie I found that I was interested in making? Well I did it!!!!!

I made this beautiful beanie from a free patten by rheatheylia.com and it was quite an adventure. See I had yet to learn how to fpdc and bpdc, so this was a new journey for me. But after 3 hours of hard work, then realizing I completely miss understood the pattern, then frogging the work, to start a second 3 hour marathon of hooking, I am done! I love the way it turned out and it was completely worth the effort :) I am so excited to wear this out and about!

Although walking may be difficult, in that I am soooooooooooooo sore from doing P90x. Plyometrics has literally turned my body into a painful wreck. It hurts to do anything. It even hurts to sit for too long. But I still got off my lazy sore butt to work out today. Today was shoulders, back, and biceps as well as ab ripper x. I was able to complete the workout and I did so much better on ab ripper x. Tomorrow is Yoga x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I can not wait! It is an incredibly difficult routine, but I am excited non the less to stretch my sore body :)
Well I better be off to bed, it is 12:46am here in California. Plus I all this hooking is making my eyes hurt. A 6 hour marathon of non stop crocheting might just do that too you ;)
Have a great Superbowl Sunday everyone! (Eat lots and LOTS of good food for me!)
That is a gorgeous hat!!
Thank you for the link to the sticky hearts :) I may use some of them next year to do something similiar with the kids
Thank you!
Of course! I thought that might be a fun project for all the little bits of collected yarn :) I am sure they will have a blast!
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