I stopped writing for a while for a couple of reasons. My life became hectic and unrelenting. School became stressful and demanding. If I wasn't curled up in my chair reading hundreds of pages about counseling theory, haptics, facial expressions, oral interpretation of children's literature, or the relationship between openness and new friend acceptance on Facebook, I could be found at work or sleeping. I needed some time away to focus on my studies.
The break was much needed and worthwhile. I graduated in May.
I am extremely proud to have studied at CSU Stanislaus. I learned so much and made many great friends.
When I received this paper, I was pleased to discover that I had graduated with honors: Cum Laude. I was fairly certain that I was a short by a couple hundredths of a point. I guess not! The only thing this paper is missing is my concentration. I need to see if this is fixable.
Aside from graduating, I had something else wonderful happen to me. Kevin surprised me with a kitty he adopted for me. She is the best.
She loves bags. Her name is Kali, but we seem to call her Kaliroo-ster far more frequently. I love her to death. She makes me smile everyday!
Aside from those two major life events, my life has been pretty stable. We moved apartments within a couple of months after I went MIA. However, my knitting habit is still thriving, and has most certainly improved over the last couple of years.

Socks (Plain, no pattern)
I also found my first knitting project when I was 9 years old. My great-great grandmother taught me, and held on to this silly WIP. I now have it sitting in my special box, untouched.
Right now I have quite a few WIPs. Color Affection, A slouchy beanie for Kevin, a second sock monster, and socks for me. I have also acquired enough yarn for a cardigan and a lace-weight shirt. I need to get started on that cardigan, mainly because I want to wear it this winter, and I am not the fastest knitter. I am thinking of knitting this pattern: French Braid Cardigan. With this yarn:
Madelinetosh Chunky: Firewood
There would be a definite learning curve for me. I have only knitted one garment before. But, how else am I going to learn? :)
If you have any recommendations, please feel free to comment below :)
Kaliroo-ster says it's nap time.
Have a great day! :)